
Every piece of music on our website is original, written and composed by CGDA students as part of their end of year projects, or created for an animation or game project. There have been hundreds of music written by CGDA students over the years, so only a few will be displayed at any given time. We will change them up over time.


Mystic Pain – Composed by V. Young. She is quiet and reserved, but her music moves mountains.

Ratstory – Composed by A. Checkeye. This may be the only slow piece ever created by our fast talking high tempo loving composer.

Arguing… Yeah – Composed by A. Checkeye. A trained violinist and accomplished musician who prefers freeform up-tempo styling of Friday Night Funkin’ video game and other music in that genre. Checkeye has created dozen of compositions using synthetic sounds, classic instruments, recorded instruments and anything else she can add to her sounds

Polarity Plus Crimson – Composed by A. Checkeye.


The Four Seasons By D. Williams. A multi-talented young man who added music to his resume after conquering C# coding and 3D modeling.

A Williams Autumn in Hagerstown

A Williams Winter in Washington County

A Williams Springtime experience

A Williams style Summer

Dawn of War UGLFV composed by D. Williams

COVID stalled production of music due to protection and sanitation protocols for students, staff, equipment, spacing etc. It was just too much. Here is a small sample of music pre-covid.

The pieces was interestingly titled “Nameless”, by composer B. Kurzawa. It became an instant hit among the CGDA students.

Indian Orchestra – Composed by T. Layman. A complex blend of iconic instruments from the middle east and traditional orchestra.

Bronze Harbor – Composed by C. Leadingham. A beautiful arrangement of stings that simply must be heard.

Midst of Battle – Composed by A. Dankulich. He was the reigning king of EDM, dubstep, trance and techno. Then he created this masterpiece.

Forged for Battle – Composed by Z. Puglisi. She’s a classic composer by day, and metalhead at night. Both worlds came together to create this piece which is an homage to the Halo video game series. Among Ms. Puglisi resume of musical scores is a rendition of the iconic “Phantom of the Opera” that she attained permission from Andrew Lloyd Webber foundation to recreate.

Exciting Journey – Composed by A. Goheres. A man of focus and determination. He started his audio journey with no music training background, but through desire and burning passion, by senior year he produced most of the music used in his peers animations and games. He never once took the easy route and used loops or sound effected instruments (not even for inspiration). All his pieces are full orchestral compositions.

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